When you have worked hard to achieve the lifestyle you want for you and your loved ones, convincing to know that it will continue for your family if something happens to you. But it’s all in planning.
With the right combination of insurance and protection plans, you can have peace of mind that you or your loved ones can maintain the same quality of life during or after an unfavorable event.
what do you have to do?
- Make sure you check your health insurance cover, if your employer gives a health closing review to what extent – some policies have a low annual limit, which may not fully cover you.
- Critical disease can be sure you and your family are protected if an unexpected disease occurs. Although your health insurance will pay medical bills, it will not help you meet other expenses – for this you will need critical disease protection! There are a number of different plan options with critical illness cover but most will pay at once, if you are diagnosed with one of the various critical medical conditions by providing money to remove your debt, pay off the mortgage and cover your living expenses for a period, etc. Closing a critical disease can allow you to concentrate on your recovery and not disturbed by worrying about money. It is generally accepted that those who have a concern of money struggle to recover as fast as or as fast as those who do not have financial pressure.
- Make sure you review your life insurance regularly to ensure the latest, provide adequate protection and cost -effective. Remember to tell your current insurance company if you move to a new country, because your policy can be canceled if you don’t do it.
- Make sure you have the latest information will make sure your assets go to the place you want and if you have children, show the guardian to care for them if you both die.
- Place the guardian temporarily when you are in Singapore to make sure your children are treated until their permanent guardian arrives. Make sure your temporary and permanent guardians have contact details with each other and you share information that is relevant to them.
Important information
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The information does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. Advice should be sought from a licensed wealth manager regarding the suitability of the investment product before making a commitment to purchase the investment product.
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